Ordering Prints

Prints of any of the art on this website are available on a number of different media types and can be shipped anywhere in the world. Achint works with well established print houses in various countries who have decades of experience specialising in fine art archival printing. Prints are available on the following media types.


Prints on paper are offered as photographic prints on professional photo papers as well as giclée prints on archival fine art papers. Photographic prints are guaranteed to last 60+ years, and giclée prints are guaranteed to last 150+ years under normal display conditions*. Prints are not matted.


Canvas prints are an elegant, modern way of displaying art. They are very popular owing to their captivating 3D-like presentation and almost painterly quality brought out by the textured canvas surface. These prints are prepared on premium fine art canvas media using archival grade inks and will not show any noticeable fading for 100+ years under normal display conditions*. Canvas prints are available either gallery-wrapped or framed. Gallery-wrapped canvases wrap the edges of the image around the sides of the canvas stretcher bars, while framed canvases are float framed in either black or brown frames. Both types of canvas prints come ready-to-hang out of the box. There is no need to invest in an additional frame and this makes them an excellent value for their price. 


Metal prints are rapidly gaining popularity as the ultimate presentation format for bright, bold art. The image is printed using dyes that are directly infused onto the surface of specially coated aluminium sheets. The result is a stunning piece that draws every eye in the room and renders viewers speechless and in awe. These highly durable and scratch-resistant prints are surprisingly lightweight, come ready-to-hang out of the box and require nothing more than standard picture hanging hardware to hang. Metal prints are also available recessed at 1/4" in a float frame for added depth and elegance. These prints are prepared using the finest quality inks on metal and are guaranteed to not show any noticeable fading for 100+ years under normal display conditions*.

Use the form below to get in touch with Achint about ordering any of the art on this website.

* Normal display conditions mean that prints are placed indoors in residential settings such that direct sunlight does not fall on the print surface.

† Metal prints are available only in the USA at this time. Achint is working with print houses to make them available in other countries as well.